Having only two balls left on the table makes positioning for the 9 a lot easier. Especially when you need to have the cue-ball travel all around the table to get that positioning.
Your down to the 8 and you’ve left yourself with a down the rail shot. It is a good thing you’ve been practicing this drill with a bridge. Left/right handed people should be practicing this drill on opposite sides of the table so that the bridge is necessary.
One of the key balls in a rack in straight pool is the one you leave on the table while your friend is racking. Make sure you get the angle you need to really break ’em up.
I’ve always hated getting the object ball stuck in the corner pocket. But I knew it was very important to learn how to deal with it. Especially when I’m up to the 8 in a game of 9-ball.
Learning safe plays are key to winning more matches since you won’t be able to run out all the time. In most safe plays you will find yourself hiding the cue-ball behind another ball, this is one example that requires a little bit of practice to get the speed control needed.
It may not always be the best idea to pocket a ball in 8-ball. Especially when it is the only thing preventing your opponent from running out.
Playing safe in straight pool is a necessity. Play a bad safe and you’ll find yourself 15-20 points further away from your opponent. Play a great safe and your opponent will give you the opportunity to add points to your score or even run the rack out.